Hello and welcome to my github pages. I created these pages to highlight and navigate the various projects I have worked on over the years. Some are school projects, some work related and most are done for fun. Some projects are set to private due to rights restrictions or due to being an assignment for a school class.
Here I will list other various projects. Some of these projects are form the classes: Operating Systems and Software Methodologies.
This is a group project my undergraduate software methodologies class. It is the first "real" group project I did. Virtual Pond is an address book created for CIS 422 at the University of Oregon.
Project Code: Virtual Pond
This project is from my Operating Systems class. Around the Pond (ATP) is a program to allow users to let users publish and/or subscribe to topics (articles) and allower users to read or post only what they want. It is responsive and scalable and simulates a "news" service or a "publisher" service.
Project Code: ATP.
This project is from my Operating Systems class. Master Control Program (MCP) This is a simulated master control program. The goal is to write a program that will run and schedule workloads for programs on a system.
Project Code: MCP.