Hello and welcome to my github pages. I created these pages to highlight and navigate the various projects I have worked on over the years. Some are school projects, some work related and most are done for fun. Some projects are set to private due to rights restrictions or due to being an assignment for a school class.
Here are some android applications I have made. Most of these were made for a undergraduate class while in school. Have some fun!
This is a simple counter app. Press + to increment, and click reset to reset.
Project Code: Simple Counter.
Each of these projects are expanded off each other. Noted are the key differences.
PigDice game Version 1: 2 player, 1 dice, change player name.
PigDice game Version 2: 2 player, ai added, 1 dice or 2 dice option.
PigDice game Version 3: 2 player, ai upgraded, ai difficulty added, more options added, added title activity.
Each of these projects are expanded off each other. Noted are the key differences.
Tide prediction Version 1: one location, all displayed on 1 page. Uses sqlite database to store requests for future use, use soap request to get tide infromation form NOAA.
Tide Predictions Version 2: three locations, display specific dates, cleaned up display, check sqlite before new soap request.
Tide Predictions Version 3: select date specific date range, Included most Oregon Beaches, displays 2 days by default, user can select up to 5, Uses sqlite database to store 5 days, now pulls in 2 days before request and 2 days after request.
Utilizes Github’s Search API to seek repositories using users keywords. Parses JSON response, displays results with optional hyperlink in recyclerview for a quick scrolling.
Project Code: Github Search Query